10 qualities women are looking for in men

There are many men who have a difficult time in their relationships with women. The reason could be due to their misguided beliefs about what women look for in men. Men tend to think that women want stereotyped male traits such as the size of a penis or abs with six packs. Although these physical characteristics would be beneficial, they're not as significant as the other qualities. These are the qualities that many men could acquire when they are committed to improving themselves.
Here are 10 characteristics that the majority of women are seeking in their male potential partners.
1) A Decent Appearance
What's a good appearance? It doesn't mean that you have to be a pro athlete or an exercise rat. It's just that you have to look after yourself and pay attention to your appearance and overall health. Also, you must maintain the cleanliness of your home, be well-groomed, and dress in clothes that are acceptable when you go out in public. In addition, you must be mindful of your diet and avoid letting yourself become overweight.
2.) Funny
Women are drawn to men who have an innate sense of humor. Men who aren't able to display many other traits can be able to win women's hearts if he can make her smile and laugh. It could be a guy who jokes around, children around, or just knows how to make women feel more comfortable when she's down. This is a great thing for men who are funny and unattractive and are looking to get married an attractive woman.
3.) Communication
There are many men who feel emotionally disconnected from the other sex. They don't know how to express the emotions they're feeling to women they love. Women love men who are open and willing to speak up in a genuine and intimate manner. If a man is oblivious to his wife and doesn't take the time to engage in deep discussions with her regarding their lives, she'll be angry at him for it.
4) Skilled
Women are awed by males who possess a specific set of abilities that other men do not have. They could have creative abilities that include painting or sculpting, building or playing instruments, acting or other instrument, etc. Men can usually employ these talents to impress the woman he loves.
5.) Stady Employment
This is a simple one for anyone who has taken on a certain level or responsibility throughout their lives. Many women aren't looking for a million dollars however they would like to see a man who has a stable job that pays a steady income. It doesn't mean that she only is concerned about money, as it doesn't need to be a six-figure job. It does show women that the husband is accountable and doesn't always make use of her to earn money.
6) Success
If a man is able to demonstrate some degree of success in their life regardless of an event in the past or from a job they've had currently women will definitely be impressed by it. They'll feel happy to be on the man's side since they feel special because a successful person picked their company. This could even boost their social standing too.
7.) Family Values
Women looking for an intimate relationship will definitely need a man with solid family values. This means a man is ethical, honest, and most likely to want to get married to have kids. If a man was to not be interested in the concept of the family and marriage, this could cause a negative impression on women looking for more than an affair.
8.) Excellent Provider
Although we live in a time of equality for women and freedom but women still believe that men should be the their financial backers. If a man doesn't have the financial capacity to provide for the needs of a spouse or girlfriend is unlikely to remain with them for long. Women are easily swayed by men who assure them that they are financially secure.
9) Intelligent
Contrary to what many believe the reality is that women are swayed because of men that are smart and clever. This is the reason why appearances don't necessarily matter if a guy is smart enough to compensate for appearances that aren't so good. In addition, smart men tend to be the most successful of men, as well. Because of this, women are drawn to intelligent men as they are aware that they can offer the kind of security they're seeking.
10) Confident
When you inquire with women what is the top quality they are seeking in a man the majority women will tell you confidence. A confident person who's at ease in their own skin and with their life is a magnet for the majority of women. This is usually the type of man who is aware of the things they desire and works all day long to achieve it. The positive attitude of men can attract women and inspire them to feel happy too.
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